
Use Pulse Secure on Windows 11


Officially Pulse Secure does not yet support Windows 11, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work.

However, it is not as easy as expected. The connection keeps getting disconnected after a few seconds. The manual solution which is described in the forum was a bit too “manual” for me.

  • Open the settings of the “Juniper Networks Virtual Adapter”
  • Enable the “Juniper Network Service” network binding


Since the virtual network card is automatically removed if the connection is not successful and then loses the setting, I have automated the steps via PowerShell.

do {
    if ( (Get-NetAdapterBinding  -InterfaceDescription "Juniper Networks Virtual Adapter" -ComponentID jnprns -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Enabled -eq $false ) {
        Enable-NetAdapterBinding  -ComponentID jnprns -InterfaceDescription "Juniper Networks Virtual Adapter"
} while (1)