
Work and live with IT

From on-prem to Global Admin without password reset

While working on another blog post I looked at different lateral movement paths an attacker can use, when she has compromised the Entra ID (Azure AD) Connect server. Since this is the gateway to the cloud environment there already is quite some research available. When reading the existent posts about this topic, the main lateral movement path mentioned is a password reset to take over a privileged account synced to the cloud.

Convert Sentinel Analytics Rules with PowerShell

If you have worked with Microsoft Sentinel you will, at one point, stumbled over two different file formats for Analytics Rules: YAML and ARM. The YAML format is mostly used to distribute Analytics Rules between people. All Analytics Rules you will find in the official Sentinel GitHub repo and others out there are offered in this format. The ARM format is what you need to deploy the Analytics Rules when using a pipeline or even if you want to import them using the UI in Microsoft Sentinel.

Prevent phishing based on domain registrations

Business email compromise and phishing are just two of the threats sent to hundreds and thousands of email inboxes around the world every day. As defenders, we use various tools and methods to limit the delivery of these emails to the intended target. In most cases, the attackers start by registering a domain that closely resembles the target company’s own domain name, or simply include the company name in the domain (e.


Over the weekend I finished a really fun project I had in mind for a couple of weeks. My newest website: AnalyticsRules.Exchange In this post I will explain the reason why I created this new website, as well on how I did it. At the moment I will not publish the code, not because I don’t want to share it, but because it’s super ugly and not something I want to be a source for other people to start with.

Speaking @ Microsoft 365 Security & Compliance User Group

On Wednesday, October 26, I will be speaking at the Microsoft 365 Security & Compliance User Group. The topic of my talk is “Why using a FIDO2 security key is important”. Abstract Learn why classic MFA based authentication is still at risk of being phished using AiTM techniques and how FIDO2 security keys can mitigate such attacks. You can also use Entra ID (Azure AD) conditional access to add an additional layer of security.