
Work and live with IT

Create a Network Trace Without Wireshark

Wireshark is a powerful tool to analyze network data. However, it is another tool that needs to be regularly updated and that relies on additional software (Npcap) to capture network data. But Windows has a built-in tool to create a network trace. And with a small additional tool the created etl file becomes a pcap file which can be analyzed without any problems. An installation of Wireshark and Npcap is therefore not necessary to capture the data.

Test UDP connection with PowerShell

When analyzing network problems, a simple ICMP ping is never sufficient to verify if the connection between two devices works. Normally a TCP connection to a server is needed and PowerShell comes with an appropriate cmdlet Test-NetConnection. However, by default Test-NetConnection only supports TCP connections and also tests an ICMP ping each time. So, what’s up with UDP? There is no built-in tool for analyzing stateless UDP packets, so I wrote the following two functions.

Optimize your Microsoft Teams traffic with QoS on a UniFi USG

At times like these, when everybody is working from home and the whole family uses the internet as well, the traffic requirements can be tough on your internet connection. When you are using real-time collaboration tools, such as Microsoft Teams, that rely on a good and stable internet connection for voice, video and screen sharing, parallel Netflix/Disney+/Hulu/Amazon Prime traffic can make the experience subpar for everybody involved. Thankfully it’s possible to optimize your outgoing traffic based on what services are used.

Certificate management with Azure Automation and Let's Encrypt

The Let’s Encrypt project has had a lasting impact on the Internet landscape. Free SSL certificates for everyone can be created automatically and signed by Let’s Encrypt. Due to the broad acceptance by browser manufacturers and cross-signing, the certificates are valid almost everywhere. However, an automated solution is absolutely necessary due to the short validity period of 90 days. Using PowerShell in Azure Automation, a workflow can be created that takes care of certificate renewal and secure central storage.

Is this ip address part of the Office 365 IP address range?

The analysis of firewall logs in Office 365 projects repeatedly raises the question: Is this blocked IP address part of the Office 365 address range? Thanks to PowerShell and the information published by Microsoft, the answer is only a few lines of code away. My script “Test-IsO365IpAddress.ps1” simply needs the IP address in question and optionally the TCP/UDP port. It retrieves the current list of address ranges from Microsoft and checks if the IP address is part of one of the IP networks.

SCHANNEL settings in Azure Windows Marketplace image changed

A couple of weeks ago I recognized new registry keys the SCHANNEL settings of the Windows 2016 Azure Marketplace image. Those setting are different from a manually deployed and updated Windows machine! The newly created registry keys disable the following ciphers and protocols Ciphers RC4 128/128 RC4 40/128 RC4 56/128 Protocols SSL 2.0 Client SSL 3.0 Client/Server First of all: The settings changed are regarding old ciphers and protocols that should be disabled in any secure environment after all!