Azure Attack Paths
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Azure Attack Paths
About me
All Categories
Entra ID
You always trust your CSP - Cross Tenant MFA and GDAP
Find lateral movement paths using KQL Graph semantics
Data Protection Made a Breeze: MDA integration in Edge for Business
Passkey Public Preview for Entra ID
Protect your users from Device Code Flow abuse
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Workshop: Kusto Graph Semantics Explained
EDR Silencers and Beyond: Exploring Methods to Block EDR Communication - Part 1
You always trust your CSP - Cross Tenant MFA and GDAP
Find lateral movement paths using KQL Graph semantics
Passkey Public Preview for Entra ID
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Workshop: Kusto Graph Semantics Explained
EDR Silencers and Beyond: Exploring Methods to Block EDR Communication - Part 1
You always trust your CSP - Cross Tenant MFA and GDAP
Find lateral movement paths using KQL Graph semantics
Protect your users from Device Code Flow abuse
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Azure AD
You always trust your CSP - Cross Tenant MFA and GDAP
Detect threats using Microsoft Graph activity logs - Part 2
Detect threats using Microsoft Graph activity logs - Part 1
Other Entra ID / Azure AD SignIn errors
Going passwordless with Window Hello for Business and SCRIL
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Identity and Access
Going passwordless with Window Hello for Business and SCRIL
From on-prem to Global Admin without password reset
Continuous access evaluation
Just-In-Time role assignment in Microsoft Defender
Alert changes to sensitive AD groups using MDI
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Conditional Access
You always trust your CSP - Cross Tenant MFA and GDAP
Data Protection Made a Breeze: MDA integration in Edge for Business
Passkey Public Preview for Entra ID
Protect your users from Device Code Flow abuse
Continuous access evaluation
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Anonymous IP address involving Apple iCloud Private Relay
How to deploy a PowerShell 7.2 runbook to Azure Automation using Bicep
Conditional Access Authentication strength
Use UEBA in Microsoft Sentinel to your advantage
Use Unified Sign-In logs in Advanced Hunting
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How to deploy a PowerShell 7.2 runbook to Azure Automation using Bicep
Going passwordless with Window Hello for Business and SCRIL
Sentinel Pester Framework
Convert Sentinel Analytics Rules with PowerShell
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Workshop: Kusto Graph Semantics Explained
EDR Silencers and Beyond: Exploring Methods to Block EDR Communication - Part 1
Find lateral movement paths using KQL Graph semantics
Protect your users from Device Code Flow abuse
Anonymous IP address involving Apple iCloud Private Relay
More >>
Defender for Endpoint
Workshop: Kusto Graph Semantics Explained
EDR Silencers and Beyond: Exploring Methods to Block EDR Communication - Part 1
Find lateral movement paths using KQL Graph semantics
From on-prem to Global Admin without password reset
Prevent phishing based on domain registrations
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Going passwordless with Window Hello for Business and SCRIL
Conditional Access Authentication strength
Why using a FIDO2 security key is important
Journey To Passwordless: Restrict FIDO2 key usage & conclusion
Journey To Passwordless: Microsoft Authenticator App
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Going passwordless with Window Hello for Business and SCRIL
Windows Hello for Business Cloud Trust and KDC proxy
Why using a FIDO2 security key is important
Journey To Passwordless: Restrict FIDO2 key usage & conclusion
Journey To Passwordless: Microsoft Authenticator App
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Microsoft 365
The case of the... MapiExceptionShutoffQuotaExceeded
Microsoft 365 license overview
Phase out Legacy Authentication - Endgame
Phase out Legacy Authentication - The next 9%
Phase out Legacy Authentication - The first 90%
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Analytics Rules
Sync Defender for Cloud Alerts with Sentinel Incidents
Sentinel Pester Framework
From on-prem to Global Admin without password reset
Convert Sentinel Analytics Rules with PowerShell
Prevent phishing based on domain registrations
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Defender AV
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Device Health
Update to the Hitchhiker's Guide to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint exclusions
Gradual rollout process for Microsoft Defender
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint exclusions
Current limits of Defender AV Tamper Protection
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Advanced Hunting
Workshop: Kusto Graph Semantics Explained
EDR Silencers and Beyond: Exploring Methods to Block EDR Communication - Part 1
Find lateral movement paths using KQL Graph semantics
Use Unified Sign-In logs in Advanced Hunting
Alert changes to sensitive AD groups using MDI
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User Group
Speaking @ Microsoft 365 Security & Compliance User Group
Speaking @ Cloud Identity Summit 2022
Speaking @ Cloud Workplace Meetup
Speaking @ Microsoft Cloud Security User Group
Speaking @ Trust in Tech Cologne
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Gradual rollout process for Microsoft Defender
Current limits of Defender AV Tamper Protection
Defender for Endpoint - Did the Antivirus scan complete?
Create a Network Trace Without Wireshark
Test UDP connection with PowerShell
More >>
Active Directory
Going passwordless with Window Hello for Business and SCRIL
From on-prem to Global Admin without password reset
Exploit samAccountName spoofing with Kerberos
Manage group policies with PowerShell
Alert changes to sensitive AD groups using MDI
Log Analytics
Use Unified Sign-In logs in Advanced Hunting
Operator mvexpand: expanded expression expected to have dynamic type
Query the Log Analytics Workspace for all Azure VM
Azure Log Analytics - RegEx case insensitive
Windows Server
Gradual rollout process for Microsoft Defender
Current limits of Defender AV Tamper Protection
Defender for Identity, Npcap on Windows Server 2022
SCHANNEL settings in Azure Windows Marketplace image changed
Clear computer Kerberos ticket and certificate cache
Anonymous IP address involving Apple iCloud Private Relay
How to deploy a PowerShell 7.2 runbook to Azure Automation using Bicep
Certificate management with Azure Automation and Let's Encrypt
AzureRM.Network 0.9 breaks Azure Automation Runbooks
Detect threats using Microsoft Graph activity logs - Part 2
Detect threats using Microsoft Graph activity logs - Part 1
Other Entra ID / Azure AD SignIn errors
Conditional Access Authentication strength
Conditional Access Authentication strength
Windows Hello for Business Cloud Trust and KDC proxy
Why using a FIDO2 security key is important
Why the new MFA registration benefits your users
Create a Network Trace Without Wireshark
Test UDP connection with PowerShell
Optimize your Microsoft Teams traffic with QoS on a UniFi USG
Find a free IP address in Azure
Defender for Identity
Integrate MDI health alerts in Microsoft Sentinel
Alert changes to sensitive AD groups using MDI
Defender for Identity, Npcap on Windows Server 2022
Defender XDR
Workshop: Kusto Graph Semantics Explained
EDR Silencers and Beyond: Exploring Methods to Block EDR Communication - Part 1
Find lateral movement paths using KQL Graph semantics
Microsoft 365 Defender
From on-prem to Global Admin without password reset
Prevent phishing based on domain registrations
Integrate MDI health alerts in Microsoft Sentinel
Office 365
Microsoft 365 license overview
Optimize your Microsoft Teams traffic with QoS on a UniFi USG
Is this ip address part of the Office 365 IP address range?
Golden Certificate and OCSP
The case of the... Intune SCEP Profil hangs in pending state
Clear computer Kerberos ticket and certificate cache
The case of the
The case of the... MapiExceptionShutoffQuotaExceeded
The case of the... The Sign-in method you're using isn't allowed
The case of the... Intune SCEP Profil hangs in pending state
Anonymous IP address involving Apple iCloud Private Relay
Azure Availability Sets vNet dependency
Defender for Office 365
Integrate MDI health alerts in Microsoft Sentinel
Detect and alert on unusual high phish or malware email volume
The case of the... MapiExceptionShutoffQuotaExceeded
PowerShell Tip: Resolve SPF Records
The case of the... The Sign-in method you're using isn't allowed
The case of the... Intune SCEP Profil hangs in pending state
Workshop: Kusto Graph Semantics Explained
Find lateral movement paths using KQL Graph semantics
Microsoft Graph
Detect threats using Microsoft Graph activity logs - Part 2
Detect threats using Microsoft Graph activity logs - Part 1
AzureSimpleREST Module
PowerShell Modul Development: Pester Tests
Sentinel Pester Framework
PowerShell Modul Development: Pester Tests
Workshop: Kusto Graph Semantics Explained
EDR Silencers and Beyond: Exploring Methods to Block EDR Communication - Part 1
Operator mvexpand: expanded expression expected to have dynamic type
TIL BitLocker + YubiKey = ❤️
AAD Sync
From on-prem to Global Admin without password reset
Azure Automation
How to deploy a PowerShell 7.2 runbook to Azure Automation using Bicep
"Reverse engineering" the Azure REST API
How to deploy a PowerShell 7.2 runbook to Azure Automation using Bicep
Gradual rollout process for Microsoft Defender
Defender for Cloud
Sync Defender for Cloud Alerts with Sentinel Incidents
Detection Engineering
Workshop: Kusto Graph Semantics Explained
Persistence with Azure Policy Guest Configuration
Query the Log Analytics Workspace for all Azure VM
Manage group policies with PowerShell
Manage group policies with PowerShell
Exploit samAccountName spoofing with Kerberos
Let's Encrypt
Certificate management with Azure Automation and Let's Encrypt
Logic App
Sync Defender for Cloud Alerts with Sentinel Incidents
Logic Apps
Anonymous IP address involving Apple iCloud Private Relay
Microsoft Defender XDR
Data Protection Made a Breeze: MDA integration in Edge for Business
Microsoft Information Protection
Bypass sensitivity label restrictions with mobile Edge and conditional access policies
Microsoft Teams
Optimize your Microsoft Teams traffic with QoS on a UniFi USG
Query the Log Analytics Workspace for all Azure VM
PowerShell Core
How to deploy a PowerShell 7.2 runbook to Azure Automation using Bicep
Proxy, Proxy on the Wall...
PowerShell Modul Development: Pester Tests
"Reverse engineering" the Azure REST API
Anonymous IP address involving Apple iCloud Private Relay
Threat Hunting
Workshop: Kusto Graph Semantics Explained
Clear computer Kerberos ticket and certificate cache
Optimize your Microsoft Teams traffic with QoS on a UniFi USG
Workshop: Kusto Graph Semantics Explained
Find lateral movement paths using KQL Graph semantics
TIL BitLocker + YubiKey = ❤️